
Saturday, 1 June 2013

spitters and shitters?!

It's a bad habit of mine to constantly quote from films but this instantly came to mind yesterday! Con air is one of my favourite films and for those who haven't seen it or haven't watched it as many times as I have there is a scene where the convicts led by John malkovich have hijacked the plane and they have gagged and bagged the crew to hide the fact to the authorities. A policeman says to malkovich ' rough crew?' and he replies 'yeah I had to gag and bag them, spitters and shitters!'
ok it's a little crude but that's what the last few days in our house have been like. Obviously baby Lucas can't really help the dribbling and stinky nappies but freya has decided it's fun to spit and no amount of telling off or distraction will stop her doing it. She already dribbles a lot of the time which is pretty gross and given her delight at smearing gross things you have to get to her quickly when she's done a pooh before her hands go down there!
I'm not sure how to tackle this yet but between the two of them I'm getting a little fed up with the constant mess at both ends! :(

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