
Friday, 21 June 2013

Nursery parents evening

I know from my older children that often you sit in the teachers room during parents evening wondering if they've confused you with another childs parents as the kid they're talking about sounds nothing like the one you live with, but Freya's parents evening left me speechless, which doesn't happen often!
Don't get me wrong it was really pleasing and reassuring to hear how well she's settled in but at one point I had to ask, "so she doesn't scream at the top of her voice or throw stuff or try to attack you when you try to change her bum?"
I expect the poor girl was sat there thinking "do you want her to do that?" but I came away thinking am I just a crap parent? If she can get her to sit down to eat and play nicely why can't I?
For my own sanity I've come to the conclusion that if I just had Freya and was at home all day with her then maybe I could. She has one to one the whole time she's there so she doesn't get chance to wander off and occupy herself, any possible tensions are quickly defused by distracting her, she loves painting and it's probably only second to food for a good bribe away from being naughty.
She gets to do all the stuff there she can't do at home, she has someone's undivided attention, she doesn't get told off for pouring her juice into a jug and back again, if she wipes paint everywhere it's just cleared up and it's called creative. (I have an art degree myself but I've never been big on mess!)
So instead of wishing I had more time, patience, less commitments etc I've decided to just be glad she has her nursery where she can enjoy just making mess and hope the good habits she picks up will eventually come home with the mound of paintings :)

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