
Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Another day, another challenge

Today has not been a whole lot better than yesterday, Lucas has been at home all day and has been challenging to say the least.
We managed to escape Ikea without buying any more pandas despite his best efforts but then ended up spending about an hour in Asda looking at toys he needed while the meatballs defrosted in the car.
On the way home he managed to chew through the material of his new coat so the zip fastening came out the top and can't be mended :/ it was the most horrible sucking sound that was setting my teeth on edge so I sat with my hands over my ears all the way home being thankful I wasn't driving.
I've been trying to make an appointment at the doctors for Freya for 3 days now, it's just something itchy on her foot but it's driving her nuts and the chemist won't give me anything without her seeing the doctor first *sigh
We stopped off to get the damn hoppers on the way home from Ikea, Lucas got very over excited by all the Christmas decorations and proceeded to roll about on the floor in the café and pull the chair cushions off before starting to squeal loudly, so we left before I'd finished my hot chocolate.
Chloe came home and is acting like nothing happened, just to piss me off a bit more she's dyed her hair some cross between white and purple, making her a bit more employable *smacking my head against the wall
Teatime was the usual joy of Lucas having a paddy and not eating anything then I found him under the table with the block of cheddar.
I wonder if they have any idea how draining they all are. Roll on bedtime.

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