Now for those who might think this is a nice post about Winnie the pooh I'm sorry to disappoint you and you may wish to stop reading as I am indeed going to talk about actual human pooh!
I don't pretend to understand the connection between autistic children and pooh but there seems to be one never the less.
My son Lucas is now 3 and has been under observation for about 18 months now with a view to also having autism and at every appointment we are asked if he smears pooh, it seems to have become part of the diagnostic criteria at our clinic!
Each time we reply yes he's still smearing pooh given half a chance and I know it's something Freya did too as did one of my older girls. They tell me they just like the feel of it, the same as smearing other things but it's just so gross and really does make me feel that I'm raising animals rather than sweet little children.
We have recently toilet trained Lucas but for some reason he still likes to strip off at regular intervals throughout the day and squat and wee on the floor and often to do a pooh too. If you're very attentive you can sometimes catch him but more often than not you catch him with no pants on and then have to go on a search of the pooh.
I know he's never liked poohing on the toilet for whatever reason but he really seems to delight in doing it on the floor :(
Things reached a disturbing level yesterday when he came running in pant-less and I couldn't find the pooh, I followed my nose and to my disbelief he had filled up one of my ugg boots with pooh and put his pants in the other one!
I was further astonished that my husband found this hilarious?!
I don't know how to stop this behaviour as he seems to just find it funny when I tell him off so I'm clinging on to the hope that he will grow out of it :/
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