
Wednesday, 12 February 2014

More cooking and sticking and making....

I have been trying much harder to get Freya focused on constructive play in the last month and it still drives me to distraction.
The new drawing board has prompted drawing on everything but the board...

I thought we'd both enjoy making these little bobble characters but the glue wouldn't squeeze out of the tube and that lead to us both moaning about it!

She's playing more independently with the play dough now and there's less mess, I'm trying hard not to get too distressed when the colours get mixed. I thought about making my own by it doesn't seem as fun when it's not bright colours :/

Some helpful person gave her a healthy eating leaflet and she went on and on until I agreed to buy the stuff to make these chicken and mango sail boats. She did really well with them and I even got away without the flag being identical, how did they taste? They were ok,I got a bit stressed with the speed she was going at and maybe added a tad too much honey. Freya didn't like hers at all however and asked for a bag of crisps instead! Ah well....

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