
Friday, 27 September 2013

starting the magic?!

Today we are starting to implement the things we have been taught at 123 magic, as expected it's not gone well so far.
We have discovered it doesn't work when she wants food and is whining on and on as when I said "that's 1" she replied "yes 1" thinking I meant she could have one! Again 2 just made her think she was getting two.
I can see why, we have always told her one or two sweets then no more so she has learnt you can have one but just one or just two :/
I also expected the continuing of my counting as she loves to count so my 1 has been followed by 2,3,4,5,6 etc
We are not meant to talk to her while counting or sending her to her room but as she hasn't a clue what we're doing yet I've felt it only fair to say "you have to go to your room now as you wouldn't get dressed etc"
She came back before the 3 minutes a few times so I tried to ignore her and then ask again for her to get dressed.
It's all very confusing for us let alone her. They said she could sit and play with a toy as long as it's not electronic but I can't get her to sit still on a good day that's why I thought going to her room was a better idea as there's not much in there to do but when I went back she was playing with her bob the builder workshop oblivious to the fact she was meant to be there for being naughty.
She then didn't want to leave to get dressed so now what if I count her again she goes back to her room, but she's already in it and she wants to stay there to keep playing so that's backfired already :(
I keep being told how important her visuals aids are so I spent a lot of time last night sorting them and thinking what we'd put up for this morning. We managed breakfast and she looked quite interested in the getting dressed as it was followed by TV but then decided she didn't fancy getting dressed after all.
I added a baking one after the TV as I've been saying we'd make chocolate crispy cakes for ages and she was very excited about that, so much so that she climbed on the sofa to change the cards around so that baking was now followed by TV and the getting dressed got flung on the floor! :/
There was also the usual debate on the teenager leaving with jeans instead of school trousers and what should be done about that. I decided to call the school and inform them she claims they are in a friends locker and we have agreed I will take her phone if she comes back without them or I get a call about any other trouble she's got up to today. I do feel it should have been explained that she would get her phone removed if she came home without them so maybe I will text her that.
I admit the whole thing of Mike badgering me about coming down harder on her has made me feel really cornered and stressed. I know he's right but he seems to enjoy seeing her unhappy and that makes me feel defensive towards her :/
I think it's going to be a lot of trial and error and I don't know how long to keep trying before you change tactic.
1,2,3 out......

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